By Brian

In the past, having a security camera in your home was perceived as a drastic and expensive measure. The truth is the best security cameras were a bit expensive and more technical to install. However, thanks to the growth of technology, more affordable security cameras that are easier to install are now readily available. All you need to do is walk into your trusted vendor, pick a brand and number of cameras that suits your needs, and you are good to go.

In this article, we focus on how security cameras work, why it is important to have a security camera installation in Melbourne, and why you need to hire a professional to do the work.

How Do Security Cameras Work?

To begin with, a security camera is a technological device that records videos of specific areas of your home and can send data to your smartphone, tablet, or computer for remote viewing. The quality of the videos and images sent depend on the quality and brand of your security camera.

Security cameras are designed to detect motions and turn on the alarms when need be. The settings can be customized depending on your preferences. Two types of security are available: wired and wireless. Wireless security cameras depend on availability of internet services (Wi-Fi). It stores footage in cloud servers and can be accessed at any time.

Also referred to as “smart cameras” wireless security cameras depend on rechargeable batteries as there must be a power source for them to run efficiently.

Wired security cameras, on the other hand, have video and power cables that interconnect them to a DVR and power supply. In the past, these cameras were used only for in-place viewing. As time went by, it became possible to connect the camera’s DVR to an external Ethernet cable that provides it with internet. The internet connection, in turn, made remote viewing possible. You can now connect your wired security cameras with your smartphone, tablet or computer and view the proceedings as they occur from whenever you are.

The area covered by a particular security camera depends on its zoom lenses, wide angle lenses and its ability to record in darkness. The cameras also cover angles with 75, 90, and 180 degrees being the most popular.

The Benefits of Security Cameras

Security camera installation in Melbourne is extremely popular due to their major benefits:

1. Deter Criminals

The fact that you have security cameras installed in your home is enough to scare criminals. Even though some people use dummies, which would be extremely dangerous especially if information passes around. Many are the cases where criminals have been caught in the act and their “journey” was stopped dead in their tracks. Timely alarm responses have also prevented a lot of home burglaries from happening.

Supposing the criminals did not notice the cameras, they would still be caught in the act and you can review the footage later.

2. Keeps Everyone in Your Home Safe

Security cameras can help you monitor everything that goes on in your home. For instance, you can monitor your kids and pets playing from your workplace. Moreover, you always know where everybody is, that enhances safety.

3. For Insurance Purposes

Most insurance company’s demand validation of your case. For instance, if your house were vandalized in a burglary, having quality security cameras would be the much-needed extra support that you need to validate your case.

Why You Need to Hire a Professional to Install Your Security Cameras

Security camera installation in Melbourne requires professional touches. The main benefits of hiring a professional include:

  •  A professional knows the best position for fixing a security camera. That guarantees quality, efficiency, and convenience.
  •  Helps save time
  •  The installer knows exactly how each camera works. In case of a problem, he can quickly troubleshoot and fix it.
  •   Professional security camera installers have insurance that covers them in case of an accident during the installation process.

The Key Takeaway

Security cameras installation in Melbourne is very prominent today, thanks to their significant benefits. A quality security camera system keeps your home safe from burglary, helps you monitor everybody, and is necessary when making a claim with your insurance company.

For residents of Melbourne and its environs, Fisher Brothers Electrical Contractors have got your back. Our technicians are licensed and verified to install security cameras and enhance other home security features. For your security camera installation needs, contact us through 03 9532 0681 and enhance your home’s safety today!